LV CC 250 Scratch-Resistant UV Varnish with food contact certification

Code: 1994/1L
Brand: Synpo
from €29,44 / set from €24,33 excl. VAT from €3,13 / 1 m2

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LV CC 250 is a two-component PUR acrylic varnish with nano silicon-based compounds content creating a clear layer with higher resistance to mechanical scratching (up to 30 %) and higher UV stability.

Detailed information

Objem: 1L
Skladem (>5 set) | 1994/1L
Delivery to: 14/02/2025
€29,44 / set
€24,33 excl. VAT
Objem: 2L
Skladem (3 set) | 1994/2L
Delivery to: 14/02/2025
€43,78 / set
€36,18 excl. VAT

Product detailed description

LV CC 250 provides a quality surface treatment of wood and epoxy and has a certificate of safety for food contact. The product is two-component PUR acrylate varnish with nano silicon-based compounds content, which after application creates a top thin transparent layer with higher resistance to mechanical scratching (up to 30%) and higher UV stability.

It can be used for recoating all types of metallic, pearl and effect base coats. It is applied by spraying at a thickness of 50-80 µm, dries for 4 hours at 20 °C and the yield varies between 6-8 m2/l. 


  • High scratch resistance.
  • Activation:  2 : 1 by volume with hardener LV BU 45 N.
  • Dilution 5-20 vol. % with thinner LV PC 342.
  • Yieldof application mixture: 6-8 m2/liter.

Application with HVLP spraying:

  • Number of layers: 2-3.
  • Flashing time between layers: min. 10 minutes at 20 °C.
  • Recommended thickness: 50-80 µm.
  • Workability time of the application mixture: 4 hours at 20 °C.
  • Drying: 4 hrs. at 20 °C; 30-40 min. at 60 °C; 20-30 min at 80 °C.

Package contents:

  • A) 0.5 L lacquer LV CC 250 + 0.25 L hardener LV BUN + 0.5 L thinner LV PC 342 (total 1 L) – yield approx. 6-8 m2
  • B) 1 L lacquer LV CC 250 + 0.5 L hardener LV BU 45N + 0.5 L thinner LV PC 342 (total 2 L) – yield approx. 12-16 m2

Additional parameters

Category: SYNPO Surface Treatment
Warranty: 1 year
Barva: Čirá, průhledná
Hmotnost: 1,2kg (1L); 2,5kg (2L)
? Prostředí: Interiér i exteriér
? Typ povrchové úpravy: Laky
Vydatnost: 6-8m2/L
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PR Avatar of author | 27/05/2024
Lak přišel celý vyteklý!!
A Avatar of author Administrator (Administrator) 29/05/2024
Bohužel při dopravě došlo k poškození balíku a vytečení laku. Se zákazníkem domluvena náhrada zboží a zaslání znovu na naše náklady. Bohužel se ojediněle toto při dopravě stane, speciálně u dopravců, kde krabice jdou přes pásové dopravníky.
AU Avatar of author | 10/04/2023
Vše jako vždy super
MJ Avatar of author | 30/11/2022
lak i adaptér na stříkání super, funguje to výborně.
DK Avatar of author | 18/09/2022
Velmi spokojený.
PK Avatar of author | 25/08/2022
Jsem velice spokojený s rychlým dodáním i kvalitou
MN Avatar of author | 07/07/2022
Super lak.

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